Blog: ‘How I Met Your Mother’

Heather Copfer
3 min readNov 6, 2019


CC Image courtesy of
Quentin Meulepas
on Flickr

I’m a little late to the game here.

I was on the phone with my brother this past week bantering back and forth about what we’ve been watching lately. The topic of sitcoms came up, he expressed his distaste for Friends, I respectfully disagreed with his opinion, yadda yadda yadda. Actually, he doesn’t like many sitcoms. One of the few, if not the only sitcom he said he really likes is How I Met Your Mother. He told me to watch a few episodes and call him next week. So here I am, seven episodes deep y’all and I ain’t stopping anytime soon.

Now, I knew Neil Patrick Harris was one of the main cast members. I did NOT know, however, that Jason Segel and Alyson Hannigan were in it, too. For someone who claims to know a lot about shows and movies, I sure as hell don’t know a lot of common knowledge about the popular ones. Something I’m working on. I’m expanding my horizons remember!

This isn’t a review, I just want to rant about my latest binge victim. I remember people absolutely RAVING about this show for most of my teen years (I’m not old though okay). I’m only a handful of episodes in and I can’t freakin’ wait to see where this show goes. Let’s be real- if you’re thinking that a first season is worth your attention, you know that the seasons to follow are going to be gold. It’s so hysterical! And I die every time Barney says, “suit up!” Marshall and Lily’s dynamic is perfect and I know that Ted and Robin are going to end up together in the end.

Well, I only know that because I looked up the ending. Whoops.

I have a tendency to do that. I read the last two pages of Allegiant before I started on the first page, and I Googled who died in Avengers: Endgame before I made it to the movie theater. It’s. just. what. I. do. I like to know how the story ends because my curiosity about how it got there is what interests me. I usually look up who The Bachelor or Bachelorette picks by week three as well. I try to hold off on that one as much as possible but I just can’t y’all. My need to know wins out over my patience. I get yelled at for this all the time. My friends don’t get it, but that’s okay. As long as I don’t spoil it for them without their permission, they let it go eventually.

Anyways, back to How I Met Your Mother. Charles was watching a few episodes with me and while I’m pretty sure he likes it too, he said he just keeps thinking about how Neil Patrick Harris is actually gay IRL and not some suave, ladies man. Suspension of disbelief, dude. It’s like this threshold we have to step over sometimes to be in the moment with these characters and this particular story. And sure, sometimes the whole “this one time at band camp” line pops up into my head every now and then. Eventually it will wear off. If anything, it’s dope to realize that these actors can play more than just one thing, ya know?

How I Met Your Mother is available for binge-watching on Hulu.



Heather Copfer
Heather Copfer

Written by Heather Copfer

Freelance copywriter who occasionally publishes blog posts about health and all that jazz :)

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